Dear Son,

At first, Mommy wanted to write a letter for you, but Mommy didn’t do a good job on writing one. Instead, Mommy just write random things about Mommy and Daddy (mostly Mommy πŸ˜†) that Mommy wants you to know:

– Mommy loves you. You have heard this gazillion times, bear with Mommy okay because you are going to hear gazillion more.

– Mommy and Daddy don’t have all the money in the world yet, okay Mommy is exaggerating now. Let Mommy rephrase, Mommy and Daddy don’t have lots of money (yet), so there will be times when Mommy and Daddy can’t buy things that you want but always remember we have lots of love for you. Remember, never rely your happiness on the amount of money you have. You are happy because you decide to be one and it might tough sometimes, but you will figure it out.

– You have successfully made Mommy feels like a rock star by wanting to following Mommy around. Even Daddy doesn’t do it 😝. Of course Mommy not going to deny that sometimes it can be a bit too much, still Mommy takes that as a compliment 😘 . 

– Three of us (for now) are going to have a lot of adventures and memories together and yet Mommy knows that one day you are going to have your own adventures. Until that day comes, Mommy going to cheerish every single moment. 

– You are so cute, even when you are crying you are still cute. Mommy is that bias, yes.

– Mommy is not the best Mommy in the world and not aiming to be one, being the best for you is good enough and Mommy is on the road to achieve it. 


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